Dropoff & Pickup
Student Morning Drop-Off Procedures:
Arrival Times:
All students enter through the door by the kindergarten classroom (on Cayuga Street). This door will be opened each morning at 7:45 AM and will remain open until 8:15 AM. Students will go to the lunchroom to eat breakfast during this time (pre-kindergarten will eat in their classroom). Breakfast will stop being served at 8:15 AM. Once the door is closed, all students will have to enter at the main entrance, by the office, on Cayuga Street. As a reminder, students must be in their classrooms by 8:31 AM to be marked on time.
Dismissal Time Policy
Parents must come only to the pick-up time of their oldest child listed below to pick up all of your children at once. For example, if you have both a Pre-K and a 7th-grade student, arrive at 3:15 to pick up both children.
Full-Day Dismissal times are as follows:
2:45 PM - If your oldest child is in pre-kindergarten - 2nd grade.
3:00 PM - If your oldest child is in 3rd - 5th grades.
3:15 PM - If your oldest child is in 6th - 8th grades.
There will be no early dismissals after 2:30 pm.
Half-Day Dismissal times are as follows:
12:15 PM - If your oldest child is in pre-kindergarten - 2nd grade.
12:30 PM - If your oldest child is in 3rd - 5th grades.
12:45 PM - If your oldest child is in 6th - 8th grades.
Dismissal Procedures:
At the designated times, pre-k and kindergarten parents will go to the staff person at the door by the kindergarten room. 1st—8th grade will be dismissed through the courtyard. After 3:30, parents should ring the doorbell at the main office entrance to pick up their child(ren).
General Procedures:
For the safety of our students and families, please keep in mind the following procedures as you drop off or pick up your child(ren) from HPCA:
Please use the crosswalks on the corners of 6th and Cayuga or 7th and Cayuga and encourage your children to do the same.
Do not double park on either side of Cayuga Street.
We thank you for your cooperation in ensuring that our students remain safe as they arrive to and leave school each day.